Task Management

Stay on top of every detail with powerful task management tools.

Stay Organised

Automate and Manage Tasks with Ease

Puree's Task Management feature ensures that nothing slips through the cracks. Automate task creation for key order milestones, from follow-ups to final checks. Each task is automatically linked to the corresponding order, keeping everything organised and in one place.

Tasks are seamlessly integrated with your workflow, allowing you to set due dates and receive timely reminders. This ensures that you and your team stay on track, delivering exceptional service without missing a beat.

For those unique situations where a manual touch is needed, Puree lets you create custom tasks linked to specific orders. Whether it’s a last-minute client request or a special instruction for your team, these tasks can be assigned due dates, ensuring they’re completed on time.

Special notes can also be added to tasks, such as client preferences, specific dietary needs, or venue setup instructions. These details are easily accessible within the task, providing clear guidance and enhancing communication across your team.

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