Better Systems Support Growth

The Food Lab are on an impressive growth trajectory. Read about how Puree has enabled them to scale without added complexity.


  1. Manual systems hindering capacity to support growth
  2. Disparate systems demand time-consuming communication management.


  1. Single source of information has improved team communication
  2. 2- 3x workload capacity manageable with same team

"Puree has made it possible for me to do more of what got me into events in the first place. I am present at our client events without the weight of a mountain of admin to complete competing for my attention."

Event Manager, The Food Lab


The Food Lab, a premium caterer in Wellington, was on the cusp of expanding their business. It wasn't an option to attempt to continue to run operations where all catering job administration was manual, complex and required a significant amount of double keying data.

The Food Lab required a solution that would manage their orders end-to-end without needing to expand the team and they came across a video about Puree online.


The Food Lab found Puree's support throughout both their evaluation and set up processes engaging and responsive. Their knowledge about the industry locally was advantageous too.

Like all catering companies, business doesn't stop when you need to change your catering management system so The Food Lab actioned a seasonal menu refresh with making the switch to Puree during a quieter 2 week period.


  • Our team is empowered like never before: The clarity Puree provides has improved communication between the event organising team and the kitchen team, and they're empowered to focus on what they excel at - they're now managing 2-3x the workload with the same team, and lower stress!
  • Puree ensures a thorough end-to-end process: Using Puree highlighted to The Food Lab the inconsistencies they had in their old manual processes. Puree has elevated their thoroughness and professionalism - from quote right through to order completion.
  • Confidence and clarity in the kitchen: You only have to step into the kitchen for a short visit to see how in control The Food Lab team is. Puree's kitchen dockets are clear and easy to follow for all team members.